Met Oscar, our new classroom pet!

Now, you may be thinking that Oscar has been named after the infamous Oscar the Grouch from ‘Sesame Street’.  However, as grouchy as our Oscar may look, and sometimes behave when he is hungry, this is not the case. Oscar is in fact, an Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus).

Oscar fish are rambunctious tropical South American fish that are well known for their strong personality and intelligence. Far from being timid fish, they will learn to recognise their owner and eventually accept food directly from their hand.  This, combined with their tendency to be playful, has earned them the nickname of ‘aquatic puppies’. Their average life span is between 10-18 years, however, some specimens have been known to  live for over 20 years. One of the unique behavioural patterns displayed by Oscars, is their tendency to play dead on occasions. This behaviour is instinctive, and is a tactic used to catch smaller fish in the wild. They may also play dead if they feel threatened by a larger stronger fish, thus demonstrating submissive behaviour.

So what do we feed Oscar?  Well, he has a very good appetite and loves:


Bloodworms (frozen in little blocks)

Tropical fish Pellets


Insects (eg. crickets)

Even stray fingers that might make their way sneakily into the tank. So it is important to let children know that he may bite!

Oscar came to our preschool as a gift from one of our preschool families (their son is in the photographs below).  Their home had become so over stocked with a menagerie of animals that Oscar needed a new home.  In Australia, the new EYLF(early years learning framework) and NQF(National Regulations) highlight the importance of connecting children with nature and providing them with opportunities to explore relationships with and discover the interdependence of living things. So naturally we embraced Oscar with open arms!  We were so fortunate as he came complete with his tank and stand. Wow!

When Oscar arrived at our centre, we had a group-time devoted to getting to know him. The children were captivated by Oscar and asked many questions (and the questions continue!) A small group of interested children helped me to google some information so that we could answer some of the questions the children had posed, such as: ‘What does he eat?’, ‘Where does he come from?’, ‘Does he bite?’ and ‘Where’s his Mummy?’ Although the children where unable to read the articles we found on the net and required my assistance, the process did convey a very important message to them about being able to read to source information that is of interest to them.

With interest focused firmly on Oscar, I did something that I rarely do, I placed ‘pre-cut’ fish shapes on the collage shelves as a provocation for the children to discover and use as they felt free to do. I usually steer clear of anything that has the ‘sting’ of being to teacher directed but in this instance, the outcome was very rewarding for at least two children.

Several children discovered the fish shapes and used them in the collage area, but the two children featured in these photographs, thought outside the square and saw them as an opportunity to document Oscars appearance through careful observation. Wonderful!

The little boy featured here very rarely engages with drawing and writing materials, but his interest in Oscar created the desire to record some information about him. Fantastic! And perhaps the pre-cut shape in this instance, provided just the right ‘scaffolding’ to move him beyond his aversion to drawing and writing. He carefully noted and observed the markings on Oscars body using stripes and dots and added fins and an eye. Only one eye, so he WAS drawing from observation, not memory!

His fish drawing then came alive as it interacted in conversation with Oscar!

Here are two wonderful stories to read to children that also carry important messages about how to care for their pet fish.

And if you are interested in reading some more about animals in preschool, you can find out about keeping Yabbies and invitiing Wild Action along by following the links.


Children hold many misconceptions about the world in which they live. Let’s explore a few examples:


Louise is in the garage sanding a TV stand she plans to paint.  The back door opens and her husband calls, “Here comes your helper!”  Four-year-old Sophie comes out of the house carrying a tape measure.  “Come on over”, her mother says.

Sophie immediately begins to measure the TV stand, laying the tape measure across the top.  Her mother continues sanding.  “It’s 32 metres”, Sophie reports.

Next she measures up the front of the stand and determines, “It’s 5 Kilo’s”.

Finally, Sophie ducks behind the stand, places the tape measure across the back, and announces, “It’s 20 to 5!”


A four year old explained the occurrence of dreams in this way:

“It’s when somebody comes into my room when it’s dark and I’m asleep and shows a DVD on the wall”.


A three-year-old child is reprimanded by her father for playing with the electrical cords at the back of the television.  When the father asked the child for an explanation as to why she was behind the television, she promptly replied:

 “I was trying to open the door to get the ‘Princess Barbie’ out!”


A little girl remembers the fun she had on the weekend helping Daddy in the garden and how delighted he was to have her help.  She decides to give Daddy a nice surprise when he comes home from work and picks all the green tomatoes for him.


Similarly, a child travelling in a car at night might decide that the moon is following him.  It seems quite logical really, all the trees and houses are whizzing past at great speed but the moon is always there!

As adults, we may be tempted to regard these misconceptions as comical or mildly amusing, but the reality is, significant brain activity is taking place in each scenario.  Each child is using their information processing capacity to gain a greater understanding of their world.  Each child is analyzing their observations and formulating an understanding that ‘best fits’ with their current and limited knowledge base.



John Locke (1632-1704), a leading British Philosopher, was the forerunner of some of our twentieth century perspectives on child development.  Locke viewed the child as a “tabula rasa”.  Translated from Latin, this means a “Blank Slate” or “White piece of paper”.

We know that a new-born child commences life with minimal prior knowledge or experience of the nature or complexity of the world in which they live.  However, they are endowed with a CNS (Central Nervous System), an asset with incredible potential for accumulating and processing incoming sensory data and experiences.  Recent neurological discoveries relating to the nature of brain development in the first few years of life, have provided us with an understanding of the critical importance of the provision of high quality early childhood education.

In an article published in Time Magazine, FERTILE MINDS, by J Madeleine Nash (Time 1997), she makes the following assessment of the importance of providing rich and stimulating learning environments in the early years:

“During the first years of life, the brain undergoes a series of extraordinary changes. Starting shortly after birth, a baby’s brain, in a display of biological exuberance, produces trillions more connections between neurons than it can possibly use. Then, through a process that resembles Darwinian competition, the brain eliminates connections, or synapses, that are seldom or never used. The excess synapses in a child’s brain undergo a draconian pruning, starting around the age of 10 or earlier, leaving behind a mind whose patterns of emotion and thought are, for better or worse, unique.

Deprived of a stimulating environment, a child’s brain suffers. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, for example, have found that children who don’t play much or are rarely touched develop brains 20% to 30% smaller than normal for their age. Laboratory animals provide another provocative parallel. Not only do young rats reared in toy-strewn cages exhibit more complex behaviour than rats confined to sterile, uninteresting boxes, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have found, but the brains of these rats contain as many as 25% more synapses per neuron. Rich experiences, in other words, really do produce rich brains.”

So, over a person’s lifetime, the CNS functions to build up an understanding of the world in which they live.  The CNS collects, processes and accommodates new information constantly.  Hypotheses, concepts or misconceptions are continuously being formulated, or discarded.  The provision of a rich and stimulating learning environment in the early years, will result in more powerful, flexible and resilient brain development, thus maximizing the brains information processing capacity.

When children enter their 3rd or 4th year, their life experience and therefore understanding of the world, remains fairly limited.  As a result, young children hold many “misconceptions” about the physical and social environment in which they live.

MISCONCEPTIONS:  A false or mistaken view, opinion or attitude.

When new information enters the CNS of a child, the information will be examined through a process known as “accommodation”.  A child will attempt to create a “fit” with what they already know.  Learning is a process of making connections between new information and existing understandings.

ACCOMMODATION:  Adjustment, as of differences or to circumstances; adaptation, settlement or reconciliation.


I like to use the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle in visualizing the manner in which knowledge and understandings are accumulated throughout a life time. Picture one of those large and intricate 5000 piece puzzles that sits on the dining room table for months on end and seems to take something akin to a lifetime to complete.  Imagine the bare table prior to commencement,as the newborn child’s ‘tabula rasa’ or ‘blank slate’ and each puzzle piece as representing an understanding or piece of knowledge. As the child is exposed to, and engages with its environment, pieces of the puzzle one by one begin to be put into place. But in the early days, large blank spaces still remain with very few pieces having been connected.  It is at this point the child has to play around with the puzzle pieces to try to make connections. Errors are often made and incompatible pieces are sometimes inaccurately aligned.  Through trial and error and constant exposure and engagement with new experiences the puzzle starts to fall into shape and an accurate image begins to appear.


The ‘real’ one, clearly the answer is no! If we look at the historical attempts of the human race to understand aspects of their world we may ‘now’ view their misconceptions as comical or mildly amusing.  Over time, advances in technology have allowed the accumulation of new knowledge to dispel many strongly held misconceptions.

It took the Spanish Expedition of “Christopher Columbus” in 1492 to dispel the fiercely held belief that the earth was flat.

In 1543, just before his death, Nicolaus Copernicus, published a book with a radical new theory proposing that the Earth, like all other planets, revolved around the Sun.  In 1600 Giordano Bruno was burnt alive ‘at the stake’ by the catholic church for his support of the work of Copernicus!

I am sure that future generations will look back in disbelief at some of our generations misconceptions.


So recent research on brain development is highlighting the importance of the early years for the development of complex neural pathways. Although the brain is not a passive organ and is developing regardless of external stimulation, a quality learning environment can help to optimise this development.

So what is a rich and stimulating environment NOT: 

  • Step away from the temptation of fast paced, flashy light, kaleidoscope colour and disco-ball style stimulation. Am I referring to screen time (the television, I-pad, X-box and Playstation)? Yes indeed I am! Current research is telling us that this is not what young children need.
  • Step away from the temptation of the ‘over-scheduled child’.  The ludicrous phenomena of allocating formal activities to every waking moment of a child’s life. Activities such as swimming lessons, ballet classes, martial arts and gymnastics, striping away any opportunity for free time in which a child can just ‘be’.
  • Step away from the temptation to ‘push-down curriculum’.  The desire to get children versed in the 3R’s well before it is developmentally appropriate and beyond their capacity to accommodate.

Now clearly, the above summation of what a rich stimulating environment is ‘not’, is biased according to my own philosophical perspective. So let’s now have a look at what cannot be ‘argued’ against or misconstrued by personal philosophy.

The social environment:

The work of Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner highlighted the importance of the social and cultural environment in the learning and development of young children. In the early childhood field we are well aware of the need for an environment that is rich in stimulating dialogue. Interactions that are reciprocal, respectful and genuine.  Interactions that support, ‘scaffold’, extend and nurture the emerging interests of children. Few early childhood professionals would deny the importance of this.

But what else is crucial to the provision of a rich and stimulating environment for children? Again, research is telling us that a return to engagement with, and exposure to, the ‘natural environment’ is of paramount importance for healthy brain development in young children. It is an environment that allows time to explore, engage, observe, think and reflect. It is steeped  in wonder and promotes imaginative and creative endeavour.  It is rich in sensory experiences that promote a life long connection and love for its unique beauty.

Children have an innate affinity with the natural world:

According to an article by Randy White & Vicki Stoecklin,  Children’s Outdoor Play & Learning Environments: Returning to Nature;

“Children have a unique, direct and experiential way of knowing the natural world as a place of beauty, mystery and wonder. Children’s special affinity for the natural environment is connected to the child’s development and his or her way of knowing.” (White & Stoecklin)

Respecting the child’s way of knowing:

In an article by Ruth A. Wilson Ph.D., The Wonders of Nature: Honoring Children’s Ways of Knowing, she draws attention to children’s deep connection with the natural world;

“Researchers who have studied how children know and perceive the world suggest that my experience is shared by children across different cultures. Rachel Sebba (1991), a researcher from Israel, investigated children’s relation to the environment from actual and retrospective points of view. In conducting her research, Sebba looked at the environmental preferences and the nature of the experiences of being outdoors as reflected in adults’ recollections and in children’s actual approaches to investigating the world. Her findings suggest that children experience the natural environment “in a deep and direct manner, not as a background for events, but, rather, as a factor and stimulator (p. 395).
Sebba’s findings are consistent with the work of Edith Cobb (1977), who concluded from her research that “experience in childhood is never formal or abstract”. “Even the world of nature,” she says, “is not a ‘scene,’ or even a landscape. Nature for the child is sheer sensory experience” (pp. 28-29).
Well if you have made it this far, I am so pleased that your interest in what I have had to say has encouraged you to soldier on through what ended up being quite a lengthy post! Phew! Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any thoughts, questions or challenges you would like articulate in response. 🙂

Not long ago, one of my readers, Andrea, messaged me regarding the mini-playscapes that I create for the children at my preschool.  I asked her if she minded me sharing our conversation with all of my readers as I felt it highlighted an issue that might be of concern to others.  So here it is:


“Hi….just caught a glimpse of your room on here…. wanted to ask you a question. How do you keep display’s looking good? Do you get the children to re-set it up, do they not trash it? I feel like a frustrated educator at the moment. I am always buying things for displays and play stations etc, spent hundreds in op shops etc. only to have everything lost, trashed or taken home etc. I set up in the evening before I leave, or set up something during the day, only to have it all gone by end of the day. I’m pulling my hair out. Currently I have empty tables because I don’t feel like putting anything on them…..can you help me?

Ta Andrea.”


“Hi Andrea,

I totally understand your concerns Andrea. I guess you have to gauge the children you have in your group. I certainly have had groups of children who have been destructive, breaking things for no apparent reason, and that is disheartening when you have gone to great effort to set something up. With a group like this, I tend to do less of the delicate displays and stick to things that are more robust. And of course work with them on their destructive tendencies. There has to be a reason behind it. This year I am fortunate to have a group of children who are very respectful of the environment and resources.

“Trashing” on the other hand is probably an adult way of viewing the children’s interactions with the environment. And certainly something we all can struggle with. I think when we set something up and it looks really pretty it can be a bit upsetting to see it all strewn about on the table and possibly floor! However, overtime I have learnt to become less ‘precious’ about my set ups. If the playscape looks trashed, essentially that means the children have been engaging with it. So try to replace the ‘trashed’ concept with the concept of ‘active engagement’. I encourage you to sit nearby and listen to the children’s interactions and you will be surprised by the wonderful story making and pretend play that is happening. If you just view the end result, what appears to be ‘trashing’, you will possibly become disheartened.  At the end of each day, I reset the display. It is a lot of hard work when added to the rest of our responsibilities, but such great learning does take place. Rest assured of that.

I haven’t had the problem of things going missing so much, but I do question whether this can be an ‘age’ related thing. The 3 year old teacher at our preschool also uses these displays and we do find we have to collect pieces from all over the room after the 3 year old session. I think 4 year olds tend to drop what is in their hand before they move on, whereas 3 year olds tend to move on with the object still in their hand (Just a personal observation). Every now and then we do get what I call a ‘bower bird’, the child who likes to collect pretty things and take them back to their nest (home). Usually you can identify them and work on the problem with a little help from their parents!

I hope this is of some help Andrea, and keep up the good work!

Regards, Karen. 🙂

Following this conversation with Andrea, I did find myself pondering on the concept of children and “RESPECT”.  How DO we ‘teach’ children about respect for their environment?

I understand that in order to respect others, children themselves must be shown respect and observe respectful practices modelled by staff in relation to their peers. And of course it is a gradual process. But how do we teach children to respect their environment, natural or man-made?  This is a question that I would like to throw open to all readers for discussion. It is something that I am sure many of us have been disheartened by when we have found equipment and materials broken. Please feel free to offer your own thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. I look forward to everybody’s input! And I thank Andrea for initially raising the question! 🙂




Brrrrr!!!! The weather has now turned icy-cold in Victoria (Australia)! Well, what we Aussies considered to be cold anyway!  From now on, temperatures will sit fairly consistently between 0 (overnight) and 16 degrees celsius (during the day) for most of the Winter months (June, July and August). It is exceedingly rare that we get snow in the city of Melbourne itself, but there are days when we know that the bitterly cold winds are blowing right off the snow-capped mountain ranges not to far away.

So for our winter playscape, we chose to steal “A little bit of Winter” from Alaska.

Complete with Inuit representation, Igloo’s, seals, polar bears, reindeer’s and a team of huskies.

Many imaginative stories and pretend play sequences evolved as the children engaged with the playscape.

From seals escaping from the jaws of killer whales to reindeer hiding in the forest to protect themselves from roaming polar bears.  The Igloo became a safe haven for many animals.


The animals communicated with each other to ensure their safety. “Quick, hide in here, the polar bear is coming!”

I make sure that I accompany each playscape with a selection of related fiction and non-fiction books in our “Reading Corner’ for the children to research and explore play ideas.

 I really enjoy hunting out materials and props for these little playscapes, I think almost as much as the children enjoy playing with them! 🙂

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